A pawn loan is a quick, secure and easy way to obtain the cash you need. All you need is a valid state-issued picture ID and your personal property to use as collateral. There is no credit check and all loans are confidential.

A Pawn is typically a 30 day contract. If you are unable to pay the entire amount, then you can pay only the interest, and "renew" the loan for another 30 days. At the end of that time you can pay off the loan and redeem your item, or renew it again. You can continue renewing the loan for as long as you need to. We also offer the option of paying down the principle so the interest also goes down each month.

This is a popular misconception about the pawn industry. It is extremely rare that we receive stolen goods. In fact, less than .02% of all pawn shop transactions involve stolen property and we work closely with the local law enforcement to identify these items. We require a state or government issued ID and a fingerprint for all pawn transactions. Every night, we electronically send a list of all new pawn transactions, with a full description and serial number of each item. In the rare event a stolen item doe’s end up in our store, we will release the item to the victim free of charge, as long as they agree to file a police report and prosecute the criminals involved. If you think about it, a Pawn Shop is the last place a criminal would want to go!

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We are conveniently located in the Fresco y Más Plaza at Sheldon Rd. and Waters Avenue in the Town ‘N’ Country area of West Hillsborugh County. We are the PAWN SHOP of choice serving in Westchase, Odessa, Citrus Park, Oldsmar, West Hillsborough, and Tampa.